Sunday, October 31, 2004

I'm starting to worry about spammers

I got a spam with the subject: "man arrested for fondling a squirell"

Ok, if this was some kind of adult spam thing, that would be one thing. This spam was about my personal finances.

I fail to see the connection.

Who wants frozen animals?

Is there really a demand for this? Man, there are some sick people on this rock.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Meeting the fellow bloggers

Well last night was fun, well at least until I got hammered.

Now I remember why I quit drinking. I think I'll keep from drinking again.

To anyone I offended last night, I apologize. And to Sara, that goes double.

I'm definitely gonna have to keep off the sauce.

I made it home somehow, and feel very lucky to have done that.

Oh well, another lesson learned.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Doing a blog, doing a blog

Kind of reminds me of a song I used to sing when I was younger...

Mowing the lawn, mowing the lawn, get all sweaty while I'm mowing the lawn.

Seems like I wasn't very creative back then. (not really sure how creative I am now). Man I'm just tired.
  • Tired of politicians lying to us.
  • Tired of businesses lying to us.
  • Tired of spam. "No I don't need my _____ enlarged!"
  • Tired of people who can't drive.
  • Tired of being tired.
Maybe I should just go to sleep. One long two to three day sleep. This will allow me to rest from the world of morons.

How is it we live in a world where the average I.Q. of 100 is higher then our president's?
Shouldn't we expect our leaders to at least be smarter than the average Joe. I mean sure, Junior would be a great guy o have a few drinks with, play some pool and hear how he's gotten rich off of bad business dealings, but shouldn't we want a man in office who is smart?

Try to think before you vote this year. Maybe we'll get lucky and not have to worry about how much more damage Bush ill do to the country.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Do you know how to use a freakin' toilet?

Am I the only one who knows how to use a toilet?

When you are using the damned thing at least learn how to lift the seat. Use a piece of toilet paper if you must, but don't piss all over it. No-one wants to sit in your fucking urine.

When you must sit down, can we try not to get shit all over as well? How the hell can anyone get shit UNDER the toilet seat below the bowl. If you picture the position you would have to be in to get crap down there you would have to be some sort of contortionist.

Also, if you are so afraid of touching the handle then get some toilet paper and flush using that. Like any of us normal people want to flush after you use your foot to flush.

And have any of you ever heard of washing your hands? I'm starting to think this world is full of retards (My apologies to anyone, other then George W. Bush, who is clinically retarded).

Could the animals please get back in their cages.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Welcome to our world

bush must go.
kerry's not much better, but needs to be elected.

any questions?

yes! do you have any goldens mustard? that grey pupon stuff sucks.