Thursday, November 03, 2005

Another "Blame the A'Rabs" pic

Someone sent me this powerpoint on how the arabs are spending the money they made off of the gas hike. Sad thing is, American oil companies are the ones who profitted off of all the hikes.

What you fail to understand is the arabs haven't made anymore money off of the price hikes then they always did. Exxon, Mobile, Shell, Chevron, BP these are the people who made all the money.

Americans are so quick to blame foreigners for our own problems without looking at where the problem really is. Exxon and Chevron both had record profits during this price hike. The price for a barrel of crude only went up approximately $12.00. Remember there's an average of 42 gallons of gas to a barrel. That comes out to less the 30 cents per gallon.

The Saudi's obviously spend to an extreme. They also give every citizen of their country free school, free health care, public services that most Americans can only dream of. The royal family over there are a bunch of greedy bastages but so are the Executives at the major oil companies, and they just became greedier and what did Average Joe American do? They said, look how greedy the A'Rabs are. Geesh, these greedy oil companies didn't give even there own employees raises.

Come on. Don't fall for the propaganda out there. You want to insite an uprising, let's get on the oil companies for lobbying Washington to keep us stuck on dead dinosaur burning vehicles. There have been cars that can get 100+ miles to the gallon, and be perfomance vehicles at the same time.

Oh, and by the way. You know who supplies the largest amount of crude to the US? Our neighbors to the north.
Quote time:
"In 2004, Canada became the largest crude oil supplier to the U.S., ahead of Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Alberta accounted for three-quarters of that supply, or C$20.4 billion (US$17 billion) worth. Alberta alone has a 12 percent share of the US crude oil import market. "

Oh, BTW. They have a national health care plan as well.

I AM NOT Anti-American (I see this coming from the dolts in the crowd). I am Anti-Greed, and believe in blaming the proper parties.

God I love how quickly people are willing to blame the Middle East for our short comings.